Portishead is a step closer to receiving a permanent skatepark after an application for landlord’s consent was approved!

WASP statement 

Today, NSC approved a lease request to develop a skate park at the Lake Grounds in Portishead. It has been a long process, and a tremendous effort to get to this point. But, at last, the kids of Portishead are going to get a much-needed resource. The facility will enhance the Lake Grounds and provide the young people of Portishead. We’re all very excited.

We’ve been campaigning for a long time to get this approval, but our supporters and helpers have stuck with through all our challenges. There are so many people we need to thank but we can’t name them all: Portishead Wheels And Skate Park (WASP), our supporters, residents of Portishead, parents, skaters and aspiring skaters.

We also want to thank our Town and District Councilors who helped and advised us on this project. Their guidance made a big difference.

We’re looking ahead to the process of delivering the skate park. The WASP group already have teams looking at key elements of the project: finance, program management, Planning/Design/Architectural and Community Consultation. There’s a lot to do but our goal is to deliver the Portishead wheels park by 2021.

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