Who are Portishead WASP?

Portishead Wheels And Skate Park (WASP) is a group of local volunteers who are working to deliver a wheels park. There is a wide range of issues and activities that must be managed. Four working parties have been set up to address major areas of work.

Working Party: Finance and Funding

Responsibility: Fund raising 

  • Goal is to be self-funded and not rely on public funding.  
  • Identify and engage with potential funders to ask for their support.
  • Research alternative sources of funds such as grants, community fund raising.  
  • Set up local/resident fundraising events
  • Pursue grants and funds set up to support community projects
  • Develop appropriate budgets

Project Management  

Responsibility: Program Management of project

  • Define scope and objectives of key activities 
  • Align processes and coordinate activities
  • Outreach to residents as appropriate.

Planning / Design / Architectural 

Responsibility: Infrastructure 

  • Submit a pre-planning permission request
  • Re-apply for planning permission
  • Focus on site, infrastructure etc. 
  • Coordinate with NSC for conformance to building regulations
  • Visit other skate and wheels parks to gather best practices
  • Work on opportunities for non-financial support such as donated materials, use of excavation plant etc.

Community Consultation 

Responsibilities: Engage with residents to explain and promote skate park project

  • Develop plan to engage with major groups and residents in Portishead – with a particular focus on young people.
  • Explain project goal, listen to residents’ ideas and input and encourage their involvement. 
  • Ensure activities to consult with residents are documented and align with Portishead Neighborhood plan process. 
  • Discuss with other park developments how they engaged with their communities
  • Interact with young people to ensure they will be at the heart of consultation process.